Sisters Committee
To provide for the specific needs of sisters in our congregation and community through creating a safe space for worship, reflection, and fellowship. We strive to ensure every woman and child feels both welcome and a sense of belonging at GLIC. |
Committee: Afia Ali Qadri, Rishtya Kakar, Meryem Kahloon, Nadiyah Roberts Contact: |
Sisters' CircleWe host a weekly gathering for all Muslim women at GLIC. The program has been in session for a few months and the gathering is both beautiful in its variety (women from Bosnia, America, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan and Senegal all take part) and engaging in different ways. Women gather to learn Qu'ran and tafseer, practice Arabic, and provide structured and emotionally intelligent support to both converts and sisters who have been Muslim for awhile.
Two prayer areasBecause we want everyone to feel welcome at our center, we have helped arrange two prayer areas for women: